- aerodynamic flight
- аэродинамический полет, полет с использованием аэродинамических сил
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Flight — is the process by which an object achieves sustained movement either through the air (or movement beyond earth s atmosphere, in the case of spaceflight) by aerodynamically generating lift, propulsive thrust or aerostatically using… … Wikipedia
Flight dynamics — is the science of air and space vehicle orientation and control in three dimensions. The three critical flight dynamics parameters are the angles of rotation in three dimensions about the vehicle s center of mass, known as pitch , roll and yaw… … Wikipedia
Flight test — is a branch of aeronautical engineering that develops and gathers data during flight of an aircraft and then analyses the data to evaluate the flight characteristics of the aircraft and validate its design, including safety aspects. The flight… … Wikipedia
Flight control modes (electronic) — New aircraft designs like this Boeing 777 rely on sophisticated flight computers to aid and protect the aircraft in flight. These are governed by computational laws which assign flight control modes during flight Aircraft with fly by wire flight… … Wikipedia
flight, history of — ▪ aviation Introduction development of heavier than air flying machines. Important landmarks and events along the way to the invention of the airplane include an understanding of the dynamic reaction of lifting surfaces (or wings), building… … Universalium
Aerodynamic center — The aerodynamic center of an airfoil moving through a fluid is the point at which the pitching moment coefficient for the airfoil does not vary with lift coefficient i.e. angle of attackcite web last = Benson first = Tom coauthors = year = 2006… … Wikipedia
Flight control surfaces — Aircraft flight control surfaces allow a pilot to adjust and control the aircraft s flight attitude.Development of an effective set of flight controls was a critical advance in the development of the aircraft. Early efforts at fixed wing aircraft … Wikipedia
Aerodynamic drag — Note This article is currently under renovation, and may, at times, appear disjoint. Please see the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Aerodynamic drag Discussion Page] . Introduction Aerodynamic drag refers to the retarding force on moving… … Wikipedia
Aerodynamic force — Forces on an aerofoil. Aerodynamic force is exerted on a body by the air (or some other gas) in which the body is immersed, and is due to the relative motion between the body and the gas. Aerodynamic force arises from two causes: [1] [2] … Wikipedia
Flight data recorder — An example of a flight data recorder; the underwater locator beacon is the small cylinder on the far right. (English translation of warning message: FLIGHT RECORDER DO NOT OPEN) … Wikipedia
aerodynamic balance — i. A means of reducing the hinge movement and thereby the physical effort needed to control an aircraft. If control surfaces were hinged at their leading edge and allowed to trail from this position in flight, the forces required to change the… … Aviation dictionary